Title: {\epsilon}-weakened Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
Authors: Pei Huang, Yuting Yang, Minghao Liu, Fuqi Jia, Feifei Ma and Jian
Abstract summary: This paper introduces a notation of $varepsilon$-weakened robustness for analyzing the reliability and stability of deep neural networks (DNNs)
We prove that the $varepsilon$-weakened robustness decision problem is PP-complete and give a statistical decision algorithm with user-controllable error bound.
We also show its potential application in analyzing quality issues.
Abstract: This paper introduces a notation of $\varepsilon$-weakened robustness for
analyzing the reliability and stability of deep neural networks (DNNs). Unlike
the conventional robustness, which focuses on the "perfect" safe region in the
absence of adversarial examples, $\varepsilon$-weakened robustness focuses on
the region where the proportion of adversarial examples is bounded by
user-specified $\varepsilon$. Smaller $\varepsilon$ means a smaller chance of
failure. Under such robustness definition, we can give conclusive results for
the regions where conventional robustness ignores. We prove that the
$\varepsilon$-weakened robustness decision problem is PP-complete and give a
statistical decision algorithm with user-controllable error bound. Furthermore,
we derive an algorithm to find the maximum $\varepsilon$-weakened robustness
radius. The time complexity of our algorithms is polynomial in the dimension
and size of the network. So, they are scalable to large real-world networks.
Besides, We also show its potential application in analyzing quality issues.
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