Divergence Anomaly and Schwinger Terms: Towards a Consistent Theory of
Anomalous Classical Fluid
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00473v4
- Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2022 08:43:44 GMT
- Title: Divergence Anomaly and Schwinger Terms: Towards a Consistent Theory of
Anomalous Classical Fluid
- Authors: Arpan Krishna Mitra, Subir Ghosh
- Abstract summary: Anomaly, a generic feature of quantum field theory, is shown to be present in non-relativistic classical ideal fluid.
A new result is the presence of anomalous terms in current algebra, an obvious analogue of Schwinger terms present in quantum field theory.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Anomaly, a generic feature of relativistic quantum field theory, is shown to
be present in non-relativistic classical ideal fluid. A new result is the
presence of anomalous terms in current algebra, an obvious analogue of
Schwinger terms present in quantum field theory. We work in Hamiltonian
framework where Eulerian dynamical variables obey an anomalous algebra (with
Schwinger terms) that is inherited from modified Poisson brackets, with Berry
curvature corrections, among Lagrangian discrete coordinates. The divergence
anomaly appears in the Hamiltonian equations of motion. A generalized form of
fluid velocity field can be identified with the "anomalous velocity" of Bloch
band electrons appearing in quantum Hall effect in condensed matter physics. We
finally show that the divergence anomaly and Schwinger terms satisfy well known
Adler consistency condition. Lastly we mention possible scenarios where this
new anomalous fluid theory can impact.
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