Sampling from Log-Concave Distributions with Infinity-Distance
Guarantees and Applications to Differentially Private Optimization
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- Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 13:44:50 GMT
- Title: Sampling from Log-Concave Distributions with Infinity-Distance
Guarantees and Applications to Differentially Private Optimization
- Authors: Oren Mangoubi and Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
- Abstract summary: We present an algorithm that outputs a point from a distributionO(varepsilon)$close to $$ in infinity-distance.
We also present a "soft-pi" version of the Dikin walk which may be independent interest.
- Score: 33.38289436686841
- License:
- Abstract: For a $d$-dimensional log-concave distribution $\pi(\theta)\propto
e^{-f(\theta)}$ on a polytope $K$, we consider the problem of outputting
samples from a distribution $\nu$ which is $O(\varepsilon)$-close in
infinity-distance $\sup_{\theta\in K}|\log\frac{\nu(\theta)}{\pi(\theta)}|$ to
$\pi$. Such samplers with infinity-distance guarantees are specifically desired
for differentially private optimization as traditional sampling algorithms
which come with total-variation distance or KL divergence bounds are
insufficient to guarantee differential privacy. Our main result is an algorithm
that outputs a point from a distribution $O(\varepsilon)$-close to $\pi$ in
infinity-distance and requires
$O((md+dL^2R^2)\times(LR+d\log(\frac{Rd+LRd}{\varepsilon r}))\times
md^{\omega-1})$ arithmetic operations, where $f$ is $L$-Lipschitz, $K$ is
defined by $m$ inequalities, is contained in a ball of radius $R$ and contains
a ball of smaller radius $r$, and $\omega$ is the matrix-multiplication
constant. In particular this runtime is logarithmic in $\frac{1}{\varepsilon}$
and significantly improves on prior works. Technically, we depart from the
prior works that construct Markov chains on a
$\frac{1}{\varepsilon^2}$-discretization of $K$ to achieve a sample with
$O(\varepsilon)$ infinity-distance error, and present a method to convert
continuous samples from $K$ with total-variation bounds to samples with
infinity bounds. To achieve improved dependence on $d$, we present a
"soft-threshold" version of the Dikin walk which may be of independent
interest. Plugging our algorithm into the framework of the exponential
mechanism yields similar improvements in the running time of $\varepsilon$-pure
differentially private algorithms for optimization problems such as empirical
risk minimization of Lipschitz-convex functions and low-rank approximation,
while still achieving the tightest known utility bounds.
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