Efficient Projection-Free Online Convex Optimization with Membership
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05818v1
- Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:22:29 GMT
- Title: Efficient Projection-Free Online Convex Optimization with Membership
- Authors: Zakaria Mhammedi
- Abstract summary: We present a new reduction that turns any algorithm A defined on a Euclidean ball to an algorithm on a constrained set C contained within the ball.
Our reduction requires O(T log T) calls to a Membership Oracle on C after T rounds, and no linear optimization on C is needed.
- Score: 11.745866777357566
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In constrained convex optimization, existing methods based on the ellipsoid
or cutting plane method do not scale well with the dimension of the ambient
space. Alternative approaches such as Projected Gradient Descent only provide a
computational benefit for simple convex sets such as Euclidean balls, where
Euclidean projections can be performed efficiently. For other sets, the cost of
the projections can be too high. To circumvent these issues, alternative
methods based on the famous Frank-Wolfe algorithm have been studied and used.
Such methods use a Linear Optimization Oracle at each iteration instead of
Euclidean projections; the former can often be performed efficiently. Such
methods have also been extended to the online and stochastic optimization
settings. However, the Frank-Wolfe algorithm and its variants do not achieve
the optimal performance, in terms of regret or rate, for general convex sets.
What is more, the Linear Optimization Oracle they use can still be
computationally expensive in some cases. In this paper, we move away from
Frank-Wolfe style algorithms and present a new reduction that turns any
algorithm A defined on a Euclidean ball (where projections are cheap) to an
algorithm on a constrained set C contained within the ball, without sacrificing
the performance of the original algorithm A by much. Our reduction requires O(T
log T) calls to a Membership Oracle on C after T rounds, and no linear
optimization on C is needed. Using our reduction, we recover optimal regret
bounds [resp. rates], in terms of the number of iterations, in online [resp.
stochastic] convex optimization. Our guarantees are also useful in the offline
convex optimization setting when the dimension of the ambient space is large.
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