Seeking Common but Distinguishing Difference, A Joint Aspect-based
Sentiment Analysis Model
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 11:24:48 GMT
- Title: Seeking Common but Distinguishing Difference, A Joint Aspect-based
Sentiment Analysis Model
- Authors: Hongjiang Jing, Zuchao Li, Hai Zhao and Shu Jiang
- Abstract summary: We propose a joint ABSA model, which not only enjoys the benefits of encoder sharing but also focuses on the difference to improve the effectiveness of the model.
In detail, we introduce a dual-encoder design, in which a pair encoder especially focuses on candidate aspect-opinion pair classification, and the original encoder keeps attention on sequence labeling.
Empirical results show that our proposed model shows robustness and significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on four benchmark datasets.
- Score: 43.4726612032584
- License:
- Abstract: Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) task consists of three typical
subtasks: aspect term extraction, opinion term extraction, and sentiment
polarity classification. These three subtasks are usually performed jointly to
save resources and reduce the error propagation in the pipeline. However, most
of the existing joint models only focus on the benefits of encoder sharing
between subtasks but ignore the difference. Therefore, we propose a joint ABSA
model, which not only enjoys the benefits of encoder sharing but also focuses
on the difference to improve the effectiveness of the model. In detail, we
introduce a dual-encoder design, in which a pair encoder especially focuses on
candidate aspect-opinion pair classification, and the original encoder keeps
attention on sequence labeling. Empirical results show that our proposed model
shows robustness and significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on
four benchmark datasets.
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