Adaptive Multi-Goal Exploration
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- Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 17:59:50 GMT
- Title: Adaptive Multi-Goal Exploration
- Authors: Jean Tarbouriech, Omar Darwiche Domingues, Pierre M\'enard, Matteo
Pirotta, Michal Valko, Alessandro Lazaric
- Abstract summary: We show how AdaGoal can be used to tackle the objective of learning an $epsilon$-optimal goal-conditioned policy.
AdaGoal is anchored in the high-level algorithmic structure of existing methods for goal-conditioned deep reinforcement learning.
- Score: 118.40427257364729
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce a generic strategy for provably efficient multi-goal
exploration. It relies on AdaGoal, a novel goal selection scheme that is based
on a simple constrained optimization problem, which adaptively targets goal
states that are neither too difficult nor too easy to reach according to the
agent's current knowledge. We show how AdaGoal can be used to tackle the
objective of learning an $\epsilon$-optimal goal-conditioned policy for all the
goal states that are reachable within $L$ steps in expectation from a reference
state $s_0$ in a reward-free Markov decision process. In the tabular case with
$S$ states and $A$ actions, our algorithm requires $\tilde{O}(L^3 S A
\epsilon^{-2})$ exploration steps, which is nearly minimax optimal. We also
readily instantiate AdaGoal in linear mixture Markov decision processes, which
yields the first goal-oriented PAC guarantee with linear function
approximation. Beyond its strong theoretical guarantees, AdaGoal is anchored in
the high-level algorithmic structure of existing methods for goal-conditioned
deep reinforcement learning.
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