Subspace Adversarial Training
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- Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 02:18:37 GMT
- Title: Subspace Adversarial Training
- Authors: Tao Li, Yingwen Wu, Sizhe Chen, Kun Fang, Xiaolin Huang
- Abstract summary: We propose a new AT method, subspace adversarial training (Sub-AT), which constrains the AT in a carefully extracted subspace.
In subspace, we also allow single-step AT with larger steps and larger radius, which further improves the robustness performance.
Our pure single-step AT can reach over $mathbf51%$ robust accuracy against strong PGD-50 attack with radius $8/255$ on CIFAR-10.
- Score: 24.47599337641455
- License:
- Abstract: Single-step adversarial training (AT) has received wide attention as it
proved to be both efficient and robust. However, a serious problem of
catastrophic overfitting exists, i.e., the robust accuracy against projected
gradient descent (PGD) attack suddenly drops to $0\%$ during the training. In
this paper, we understand this problem from a novel perspective of optimization
and firstly reveal the close link between the fast-growing gradient of each
sample and overfitting, which can also be applied to understand the robust
overfitting phenomenon in multi-step AT. To control the growth of the gradient
during the training, we propose a new AT method, subspace adversarial training
(Sub-AT), which constrains the AT in a carefully extracted subspace. It
successfully resolves both two kinds of overfitting and hence significantly
boosts the robustness. In subspace, we also allow single-step AT with larger
steps and larger radius, which further improves the robustness performance. As
a result, we achieve the state-of-the-art single-step AT performance: our pure
single-step AT can reach over $\mathbf{51}\%$ robust accuracy against strong
PGD-50 attack with radius $8/255$ on CIFAR-10, even surpassing the standard
multi-step PGD-10 AT with huge computational advantages. The code is
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