Withdrawn: A Measurement-based Algorithm for Graph Colouring
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14390v3
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 07:20:48 GMT
- Title: Withdrawn: A Measurement-based Algorithm for Graph Colouring
- Authors: Michael Epping and Tobias Stollenwerk
- Abstract summary: In a previous version of this document we misinterpreted the runtime of a part of the described algorithm.
We present a novel algorithmic approach to find a proper colouring of a graph with $d$ colours, if it exists.
- Score: 0.5482532589225553
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: In a previous version of this document we misinterpreted the runtime of a
part of the described algorithm. Indeed, the runtime is not better than the
Grover-Algorithm. We therefor withdraw this work.
We present a novel algorithmic approach to find a proper vertex colouring of
a graph with $d$ colours, if it exists. We associate a $d$-dimensional quantum
system with each vertex and the initial state is a mixture of all possible
colourings, from which we obtain a random proper colouring of the graph by
measurements. The non-deterministic nature of the quantum measurement is
tackled by a reset operation, which can revert the effect of unwanted
projections. As in the classical case, we find that the runtime scales
exponentially with the number of vertices. However, we provide numerical
evidence that the average runtime of the problem-specific part of the algorithm
scales polynomially in the number of edges.
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