Measuring the knot of non-Hermitian degeneracies and non-commuting
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- Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 15:57:09 GMT
- Title: Measuring the knot of non-Hermitian degeneracies and non-commuting
- Authors: Yogesh S. S. Patil, Judith H\"oller, Parker A. Henry, Chitres Guria,
Yiming Zhang, Luyao Jiang, Nenad Kralj, Nicholas Read, Jack G. E. Harris
- Abstract summary: Relationship between control parameters and eigenfrequency spectrum is central to a range of applications.
We show that control loops generically produce braids of eigenfrequencies, and for $N>2$ these braids form a non-Abelian group.
- Score: 2.2920821961584004
- License:
- Abstract: Any system of coupled oscillators may be characterized by its spectrum of
resonance frequencies (or eigenfrequencies), which can be tuned by varying the
system's parameters. The relationship between control parameters and the
eigenfrequency spectrum is central to a range of applications. However,
fundamental aspects of this relationship remain poorly understood. For example,
if the controls are varied along a path that returns to its starting point
(i.e., around a "loop"), the system's spectrum must return to itself. In
systems that are Hermitian (i.e., lossless and reciprocal) this process is
trivial, and each resonance frequency returns to its original value. However,
in non-Hermitian systems, where the eigenfrequencies are complex, the spectrum
may return to itself in a topologically non-trivial manner, a phenomenon known
as spectral flow. The spectral flow is determined by how the control loop
encircles degeneracies, and this relationship is well understood for $N=2$
(where $N$ is the number of oscillators in the system). Here we extend this
description to arbitrary $N$. We show that control loops generically produce
braids of eigenfrequencies, and for $N>2$ these braids form a non-Abelian group
which reflects the non-trivial geometry of the space of degeneracies. We
demonstrate these features experimentally for $N=3$ using a cavity
optomechanical system.
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