Variational Wasserstein gradient flow
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- Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2021 20:27:31 GMT
- Title: Variational Wasserstein gradient flow
- Authors: Jiaojiao Fan, Amirhossein Taghvaei, Yongxin Chen
- Abstract summary: We propose a scalable proximal gradient type algorithm for Wasserstein gradient flow.
Our framework covers all the classical Wasserstein gradient flows including the heat equation and the porous medium equation.
- Score: 9.901677207027806
- License:
- Abstract: The gradient flow of a function over the space of probability densities with
respect to the Wasserstein metric often exhibits nice properties and has been
utilized in several machine learning applications. The standard approach to
compute the Wasserstein gradient flow is the finite difference which
discretizes the underlying space over a grid, and is not scalable. In this
work, we propose a scalable proximal gradient type algorithm for Wasserstein
gradient flow. The key of our method is a variational formulation of the
objective function, which makes it possible to realize the JKO proximal map
through a primal-dual optimization. This primal-dual problem can be efficiently
solved by alternatively updating the parameters in the inner and outer loops.
Our framework covers all the classical Wasserstein gradient flows including the
heat equation and the porous medium equation. We demonstrate the performance
and scalability of our algorithm with several numerical examples.
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