論文の概要: Multiple Interest and Fine Granularity Network for User Modeling
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02591v1
- Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2021 15:12:08 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-12-07 17:57:48.487206
- Title: Multiple Interest and Fine Granularity Network for User Modeling
- Title(参考訳): ユーザモデリングのための複数関心と細粒度ネットワーク
- Authors: Jiaxuan Xie, Jianxiong Wei, Qingsong Hua, Yu Zhang
- Abstract要約: ユーザモデリングは、カスタマエクスペリエンスとビジネス収益の両方の観点から、マッチングステージとランキングステージの両方において、産業レコメンデータシステムにおいて、基本的な役割を果たす。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 3.508126539399186
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: User modeling plays a fundamental role in industrial recommender systems,
either in the matching stage and the ranking stage, in terms of both the
customer experience and business revenue. How to extract users' multiple
interests effectively from their historical behavior sequences to improve the
relevance and personalization of the recommend results remains an open problem
for user modeling.Most existing deep-learning based approaches exploit item-ids
and category-ids but neglect fine-grained features like color and mate-rial,
which hinders modeling the fine granularity of users' interests.In the paper,
we present Multiple interest and Fine granularity Net-work (MFN), which tackle
users' multiple and fine-grained interests and construct the model from both
the similarity relationship and the combination relationship among the users'
multiple interests.Specifically, for modeling the similarity relationship, we
leverage two sets of embeddings, where one is the fixed embedding from
pre-trained models (e.g. Glove) to give the attention weights and the other is
trainable embedding to be trained with MFN together.For modeling the
combination relationship, self-attentive layers are exploited to build the
higher order combinations of different interest representations. In the
construction of network, we design an interest-extract module using attention
mechanism to capture multiple interest representations from user historical
behavior sequences and leverage an auxiliary loss to boost the distinction of
the interest representations. Then a hierarchical network is applied to model
the attention relation between the multiple interest vectors of different
granularities and the target item. We evaluate MFNon both public and industrial
datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MFN achieves
superior performance than other existed representing methods.
- Abstract(参考訳): ユーザモデリングは、顧客体験とビジネス収益の両方の観点から、マッチングステージとランキングステージの両方において、産業向けレコメンデーションシステムにおいて基本的な役割を果たす。
How to extract users' multiple interests effectively from their historical behavior sequences to improve the relevance and personalization of the recommend results remains an open problem for user modeling.Most existing deep-learning based approaches exploit item-ids and category-ids but neglect fine-grained features like color and mate-rial, which hinders modeling the fine granularity of users' interests.In the paper, we present Multiple interest and Fine granularity Net-work (MFN), which tackle users' multiple and fine-grained interests and construct the model from both the similarity relationship and the combination relationship among the users' multiple interests.Specifically, for modeling the similarity relationship, we leverage two sets of embeddings, where one is the fixed embedding from pre-trained models (e.g. Glove) to give the attention weights and the other is trainable embedding to be trained with MFN together.For modeling the combination relationship, self-attentive layers are exploited to build the higher order combinations of different interest representations.
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