On the Choice of General Purpose Classifiers in Learned Bloom Filters:
An Initial Analysis Within Basic Filters
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06563v1
- Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:15:41 GMT
- Title: On the Choice of General Purpose Classifiers in Learned Bloom Filters:
An Initial Analysis Within Basic Filters
- Authors: Giacomo Fumagalli, Davide Raimondi, Raffaele Giancarlo, Dario
Malchiodi, Marco Frasca
- Abstract summary: Several versions of Bloom Filters have been considered, yielding advantages over classic Filters.
Each of them uses a classifier, which is the Learned part of the data structure.
No systematic study of which specific classifier to use in which circumstances is available.
- Score: 0.41998444721319217
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Bloom Filters are a fundamental and pervasive data structure. Within the
growing area of Learned Data Structures, several Learned versions of Bloom
Filters have been considered, yielding advantages over classic Filters. Each of
them uses a classifier, which is the Learned part of the data structure.
Although it has a central role in those new filters, and its space footprint as
well as classification time may affect the performance of the Learned Filter,
no systematic study of which specific classifier to use in which circumstances
is available. We report progress in this area here, providing also initial
guidelines on which classifier to choose among five classic classification
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