Heavy-tailed denoising score matching
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09788v1
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 22:04:55 GMT
- Title: Heavy-tailed denoising score matching
- Authors: Jacob Deasy, Nikola Simidjievski, Pietro Li\`o
- Abstract summary: We develop an iterative noise scaling algorithm to consistently initialise the multiple levels of noise in Langevin dynamics.
On the practical side, our use of heavy-tailed DSM leads to improved score estimation, controllable sampling convergence, and more balanced unconditional generative performance for imbalanced datasets.
- Score: 5.371337604556311
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Score-based model research in the last few years has produced state of the
art generative models by employing Gaussian denoising score-matching (DSM).
However, the Gaussian noise assumption has several high-dimensional
limitations, motivating a more concrete route toward even higher dimension PDF
estimation in future. We outline this limitation, before extending the theory
to a broader family of noising distributions -- namely, the generalised normal
distribution. To theoretically ground this, we relax a key assumption in
(denoising) score matching theory, demonstrating that distributions which are
differentiable \textit{almost everywhere} permit the same objective
simplification as Gaussians. For noise vector length distributions, we
demonstrate favourable concentration of measure in the high-dimensional spaces
prevalent in deep learning. In the process, we uncover a skewed noise vector
length distribution and develop an iterative noise scaling algorithm to
consistently initialise the multiple levels of noise in annealed Langevin
dynamics. On the practical side, our use of heavy-tailed DSM leads to improved
score estimation, controllable sampling convergence, and more balanced
unconditional generative performance for imbalanced datasets.
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