Multigoal-oriented dual-weighted-residual error estimation using deep
neural networks
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- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 12:37:26 GMT
- Title: Multigoal-oriented dual-weighted-residual error estimation using deep
neural networks
- Authors: Ayan Chakraborty, Thomas Wick, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk
- Abstract summary: Deep learning is considered as a powerful tool with high flexibility to approximate functions.
Our approach is based on a posteriori error estimation in which the adjoint problem is solved for the error localization.
An efficient and easy to implement algorithm is developed to obtain a posteriori error estimate for multiple goal functionals.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Deep learning has shown successful application in visual recognition and
certain artificial intelligence tasks. Deep learning is also considered as a
powerful tool with high flexibility to approximate functions. In the present
work, functions with desired properties are devised to approximate the
solutions of PDEs. Our approach is based on a posteriori error estimation in
which the adjoint problem is solved for the error localization to formulate an
error estimator within the framework of neural network. An efficient and easy
to implement algorithm is developed to obtain a posteriori error estimate for
multiple goal functionals by employing the dual-weighted residual approach,
which is followed by the computation of both primal and adjoint solutions using
the neural network. The present study shows that such a data-driven model based
learning has superior approximation of quantities of interest even with
relatively less training data. The novel algorithmic developments are
substantiated with numerical test examples. The advantages of using deep neural
network over the shallow neural network are demonstrated and the convergence
enhancing techniques are also presented
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