Robustness and risk management via distributional dynamic programming
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- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 12:12:57 GMT
- Title: Robustness and risk management via distributional dynamic programming
- Authors: Mastane Achab, Gergely Neu
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new class of distributional operators, together with a practical DP algorithm for policy evaluation.
Our approach reformulates through an augmented state space where each state is split into a worst-case substate and a best-case substate.
We derive distributional operators and DP algorithms solving a new control task.
- Score: 13.173307471333619
- License:
- Abstract: In dynamic programming (DP) and reinforcement learning (RL), an agent learns
to act optimally in terms of expected long-term return by sequentially
interacting with its environment modeled by a Markov decision process (MDP).
More generally in distributional reinforcement learning (DRL), the focus is on
the whole distribution of the return, not just its expectation. Although
DRL-based methods produced state-of-the-art performance in RL with function
approximation, they involve additional quantities (compared to the
non-distributional setting) that are still not well understood. As a first
contribution, we introduce a new class of distributional operators, together
with a practical DP algorithm for policy evaluation, that come with a robust
MDP interpretation. Indeed, our approach reformulates through an augmented
state space where each state is split into a worst-case substate and a
best-case substate, whose values are maximized by safe and risky policies
respectively. Finally, we derive distributional operators and DP algorithms
solving a new control task: How to distinguish safe from risky optimal actions
in order to break ties in the space of optimal policies?
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