Matrix Product States with Backflow correlations
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- Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 18:57:29 GMT
- Title: Matrix Product States with Backflow correlations
- Authors: Guglielmo Lami, Giuseppe Carleo, Mario Collura
- Abstract summary: We introduce a novel tensor network ansatz which extend the Matrix Product State representation of a quantum-many body wave function.
We benchmark the new ansatz against spin models both in one and two dimensions, demonstrating high accuracy and precision.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: By taking inspiration from the backflow transformation for correlated
systems, we introduce a novel tensor network ansatz which extend the
well-established Matrix Product State representation of a quantum-many body
wave function. This new structure provides enough resources to ensure that
states in dimension larger or equal than one obey an area law for entanglement.
It can be efficiently manipulated to address the ground-state search problem by
means of an optimization scheme which mixes tensor-network and variational
Monte-Carlo algorithms. We benchmark the new ansatz against spin models both in
one and two dimensions, demonstrating high accuracy and precision. We finally
employ our approach to study the challenging $S=1/2$ two dimensional $J_1 -
J_2$ model, demonstrating that it is competitive with the state of the art
methods in 2D.
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