Parameter-free quantum hydrodynamic theory for plasmonics: Electron
density-dependent damping rate and diffusion coefficient
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- Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 11:33:38 GMT
- Title: Parameter-free quantum hydrodynamic theory for plasmonics: Electron
density-dependent damping rate and diffusion coefficient
- Authors: Qi-Hong Hu, Ren-Feng Liu, Xin-Yu Shan, Xuan-Ren Chen, Hong Yang, Peng
Kong, Xiao-Yun Wang, Ke Deng, Xiangyang Peng, Dong Xian, Yong-Gang Huang
- Abstract summary: An accurate and efficient method to calculate the optical response of metallic structures with feature size in the nanoscale plays an important role.
Quantum hydrodynamic theory (QHT) provides an efficient description of the free-electron gas, where quantum effects of nonlocality and spill-out are taken into account.
We introduce a general QHT that includes diffusion to account for the broadening, which is a key problem in practical applications of surface plasmon.
- Score: 10.837420913670723
- License:
- Abstract: Plasmonics is a rapid growing field, which has enabled both fundamental
science and inventions of various quantum optoelectronic devices. An accurate
and efficient method to calculate the optical response of metallic structures
with feature size in the nanoscale plays an important role. Quantum
hydrodynamic theory (QHT) provides an efficient description of the
free-electron gas, where quantum effects of nonlocality and spill-out are taken
into account. In this work, we introduce a general QHT that includes diffusion
to account for the broadening, which is a key problem in practical applications
of surface plasmon. We will introduce a density-dependent diffusion coefficient
to give very accurate linewidth. It is a self-consistent method, in which both
the ground and excited states are solved by using the same energy functional,
with the kinetic energy described by the Thomas-Fermi and von Weizs\"{a}cker
(vW) formalisms. In addition, our QHT method is stable by introduction of an
electron density-dependent damping rate. For sodium nanosphere of various
sizes, the plasmon energy and broadening by our QHT method are in excellent
agreement with those by density functional theory and Kreibig formula. By
applying our QHT method to sodium jellium nanorods, we clearly show that our
method enables a parameter-free simulation, i.e. without resorting to any
empirical parameter, such as size-dependent damping rate and diffusing
coefficient. It is found that there exists a perfect linear relation between
the resonance wavelength and aspect radio. The width decreases with increasing
aspect ratio and height. The calculations show that our QHT method provides an
explicit and unified way to account for size-dependent frequency shifts and
broadening of arbitrarily shaped geometries. It is reliable and robust with
great predicability, and hence provides a general and efficient platform to
study plasmonics.
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