A Survey on Programmatic Weak Supervision
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05433v2
- Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 05:45:58 GMT
- Title: A Survey on Programmatic Weak Supervision
- Authors: Jieyu Zhang, Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Yue Yu, Chao Zhang, Alexander Ratner
- Abstract summary: We give brief introduction of the PWS learning paradigm and review representative approaches for each PWS's learning workflow.
We identify several critical challenges that remain underexplored in the area to hopefully inspire future directions in the field.
- Score: 74.13976343129966
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Labeling training data has become one of the major roadblocks to using
machine learning. Among various weak supervision paradigms, programmatic weak
supervision (PWS) has achieved remarkable success in easing the manual labeling
bottleneck by programmatically synthesizing training labels from multiple
potentially noisy supervision sources. This paper presents a comprehensive
survey of recent advances in PWS. In particular, we give a brief introduction
of the PWS learning paradigm, and review representative approaches for each
component within PWS's learning workflow. In addition, we discuss complementary
learning paradigms for tackling limited labeled data scenarios and how these
related approaches can be used in conjunction with PWS. Finally, we identify
several critical challenges that remain under-explored in the area to hopefully
inspire future research directions in the field.
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