Grid-based methods for chemistry simulations on a quantum computer
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- Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 15:41:44 GMT
- Title: Grid-based methods for chemistry simulations on a quantum computer
- Authors: Hans Hon Sang Chan, Richard Meister, Tyson Jones, David P. Tew, Simon
C. Benjamin
- Abstract summary: We employ exactly-emulated quantum computers with up to 36 qubits to execute deep yet resource-frugal algorithms.
A range of tasks is explored, from ground state preparation and energy estimation to the dynamics of scattering and ionisation.
While we identify certain restrictions and caveats, generally the grid-based method is found to perform very well.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: First quantized, grid-based methods for chemistry modelling are a natural and
elegant fit for quantum computers. However, it is infeasible to use today's
quantum prototypes to explore the power of this approach, because it requires a
significant number of near-perfect qubits. Here we employ exactly-emulated
quantum computers with up to 36 qubits, to execute deep yet resource-frugal
algorithms that model 2D and 3D atoms with single and paired particles. A range
of tasks is explored, from ground state preparation and energy estimation to
the dynamics of scattering and ionisation; we evaluate various methods within
the split-operator QFT (SO-QFT) Hamiltonian simulation paradigm, including
protocols previously-described in theoretical papers as well as our own novel
techniques. While we identify certain restrictions and caveats, generally the
grid-based method is found to perform very well; our results are consistent
with the view that first quantized paradigms will be dominant from the early
fault-tolerant quantum computing era onward.
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