Pseudo Polynomial-Time Top-k Algorithms for d-DNNF Circuits
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- Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 23:53:43 GMT
- Title: Pseudo Polynomial-Time Top-k Algorithms for d-DNNF Circuits
- Authors: Pierre Bourhis (1), Laurence Duchien (1), J\'er\'emie Dusart (1),
Emmanuel Lonca (2), Pierre Marquis (2 and 3), Cl\'ement Quinton (1) ((1)
University of Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, (2) Univ.
Artois, CNRS, UMR 8188 CRIL, (3) Institut Universitaire de France)
- Abstract summary: We present an algorithm that computes $k$ models of $C$ among those having the largest values w.r. $$.
We also present a pseudo-time algorithm that transforms $C$ into a d-DNNF circuit $C'$ satisfied exactly by the models of $C$ having a value among the top-$k$ ones.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We are interested in computing $k$ most preferred models of a given d-DNNF
circuit $C$, where the preference relation is based on an algebraic structure
called a monotone, totally ordered, semigroup $(K, \otimes, <)$. In our
setting, every literal in $C$ has a value in $K$ and the value of an assignment
is an element of $K$ obtained by aggregating using $\otimes$ the values of the
corresponding literals. We present an algorithm that computes $k$ models of $C$
among those having the largest values w.r.t. $<$, and show that this algorithm
runs in time polynomial in $k$ and in the size of $C$. We also present a pseudo
polynomial-time algorithm for deriving the top-$k$ values that can be reached,
provided that an additional (but not very demanding) requirement on the
semigroup is satisfied. Under the same assumption, we present a pseudo
polynomial-time algorithm that transforms $C$ into a d-DNNF circuit $C'$
satisfied exactly by the models of $C$ having a value among the top-$k$ ones.
Finally, focusing on the semigroup $(\mathbb{N}, +, <)$, we compare on a large
number of instances the performances of our compilation-based algorithm for
computing $k$ top solutions with those of an algorithm tackling the same
problem, but based on a partial weighted MaxSAT solver.
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