One-bit Submission for Locally Private Quasi-MLE: Its Asymptotic
Normality and Limitation
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 05:04:59 GMT
- Title: One-bit Submission for Locally Private Quasi-MLE: Its Asymptotic
Normality and Limitation
- Authors: Hajime Ono, Kazuhiro Minami, Hideitsu Hino
- Abstract summary: Local differential privacy(LDP) is an information-theoretic privacy definition suitable for statistical surveys that involve an untrusted data curator.
The existing method to build LDP QMLE is difficult to implement for a large-scale survey system in the real world due to long waiting time, expensive communication cost, and the boundedness assumption of derivative of a log-likelihood function.
We provided an alternative LDP protocol without those issues, which is potentially much easily deployable to a large-scale survey.
- Score: 3.050919759387985
- License:
- Abstract: Local differential privacy~(LDP) is an information-theoretic privacy
definition suitable for statistical surveys that involve an untrusted data
curator. An LDP version of quasi-maximum likelihood estimator~(QMLE) has been
developed, but the existing method to build LDP QMLE is difficult to implement
for a large-scale survey system in the real world due to long waiting time,
expensive communication cost, and the boundedness assumption of derivative of a
log-likelihood function. We provided an alternative LDP protocol without those
issues, which is potentially much easily deployable to a large-scale survey. We
also provided sufficient conditions for the consistency and asymptotic
normality and limitations of our protocol. Our protocol is less burdensome for
the users, and the theoretical guarantees cover more realistic cases than those
for the existing method.
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