API Is Enough: Conformal Prediction for Large Language Models Without Logit-Access
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.01216v2
- Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 02:15:39 GMT
- Title: API Is Enough: Conformal Prediction for Large Language Models Without Logit-Access
- Authors: Jiayuan Su, Jing Luo, Hongwei Wang, Lu Cheng,
- Abstract summary: This study aims to address the pervasive challenge of quantifying uncertainty in large language models (LLMs) without logit-access.
Existing Conformal Prediction (CP) methods for LLMs typically assume access to the logits, which are unavailable for some API-only LLMs.
We introduce a novel CP method that is tailored for API-only LLMs without logit-access; (2) minimizes the size of prediction sets; and (3) ensures a statistical guarantee of the user-defined coverage.
- Score: 5.922444371605447
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This study aims to address the pervasive challenge of quantifying uncertainty in large language models (LLMs) without logit-access. Conformal Prediction (CP), known for its model-agnostic and distribution-free features, is a desired approach for various LLMs and data distributions. However, existing CP methods for LLMs typically assume access to the logits, which are unavailable for some API-only LLMs. In addition, logits are known to be miscalibrated, potentially leading to degraded CP performance. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a novel CP method that (1) is tailored for API-only LLMs without logit-access; (2) minimizes the size of prediction sets; and (3) ensures a statistical guarantee of the user-defined coverage. The core idea of this approach is to formulate nonconformity measures using both coarse-grained (i.e., sample frequency) and fine-grained uncertainty notions (e.g., semantic similarity). Experimental results on both close-ended and open-ended Question Answering tasks show our approach can mostly outperform the logit-based CP baselines.
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