Solving optimization problems with Blackwell approachability
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- Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 18:19:21 GMT
- Title: Solving optimization problems with Blackwell approachability
- Authors: Julien Grand-Cl\'ement and Christian Kroer
- Abstract summary: Conic Blackwell Algorithm$+$ (CBA$+$) regret minimizer.
CBA$+$ is based on Blackwell approachability and attains $O(sqrtT)$ regret.
Based on CBA$+$, we introduce SP-CBA$+$, a new parameter-free algorithm for solving convex-concave saddle-point problems.
- Score: 31.29341288414507
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- Abstract: We introduce the Conic Blackwell Algorithm$^+$ (CBA$^+$) regret minimizer, a
new parameter- and scale-free regret minimizer for general convex sets. CBA$^+$
is based on Blackwell approachability and attains $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret. We show
how to efficiently instantiate CBA$^+$ for many decision sets of interest,
including the simplex, $\ell_{p}$ norm balls, and ellipsoidal confidence
regions in the simplex. Based on CBA$^+$, we introduce SP-CBA$^+$, a new
parameter-free algorithm for solving convex-concave saddle-point problems,
which achieves a $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ ergodic rate of convergence. In our
simulations, we demonstrate the wide applicability of SP-CBA$^+$ on several
standard saddle-point problems, including matrix games, extensive-form games,
distributionally robust logistic regression, and Markov decision processes. In
each setting, SP-CBA$^+$ achieves state-of-the-art numerical performance, and
outperforms classical methods, without the need for any choice of step sizes or
other algorithmic parameters.
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