A blob method method for inhomogeneous diffusion with applications to
multi-agent control and sampling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12927v1
- Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 19:49:05 GMT
- Title: A blob method method for inhomogeneous diffusion with applications to
multi-agent control and sampling
- Authors: Katy Craig, Karthik Elamvazhuthi, Matt Haberland, Olga Turanova
- Abstract summary: We develop a deterministic particle method for the weighted porous medium equation (WPME) and prove its convergence on bounded time intervals.
Our method has natural applications to multi-agent coverage algorithms and sampling probability measures.
- Score: 0.6562256987706128
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: As a counterpoint to classical stochastic particle methods for linear
diffusion equations, we develop a deterministic particle method for the
weighted porous medium equation (WPME) and prove its convergence on bounded
time intervals. This generalizes related work on blob methods for unweighted
porous medium equations. From a numerical analysis perspective, our method has
several advantages: it is meshfree, preserves the gradient flow structure of
the underlying PDE, converges in arbitrary dimension, and captures the correct
asymptotic behavior in simulations.
That our method succeeds in capturing the long time behavior of WPME is
significant from the perspective of related problems in quantization. Just as
the Fokker-Planck equation provides a way to quantize a probability measure
$\bar{\rho}$ by evolving an empirical measure according to stochastic Langevin
dynamics so that the empirical measure flows toward $\bar{\rho}$, our particle
method provides a way to quantize $\bar{\rho}$ according to deterministic
particle dynamics approximating WMPE. In this way, our method has natural
applications to multi-agent coverage algorithms and sampling probability
A specific case of our method corresponds exactly to the mean-field dynamics
of training a two-layer neural network for a radial basis function activation
function. From this perspective, our convergence result shows that, in the over
parametrized regime and as the variance of the radial basis functions goes to
zero, the continuum limit is given by WPME. This generalizes previous results,
which considered the case of a uniform data distribution, to the more general
inhomogeneous setting. As a consequence of our convergence result, we identify
conditions on the target function and data distribution for which convexity of
the energy landscape emerges in the continuum limit.
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