Tuning-free multi-coil compressed sensing MRI with Parallel Variable
Density Approximate Message Passing (P-VDAMP)
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04180v1
- Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2022 16:11:41 GMT
- Title: Tuning-free multi-coil compressed sensing MRI with Parallel Variable
Density Approximate Message Passing (P-VDAMP)
- Authors: Charles Millard, Mark Chiew, Jared Tanner, Aaron T. Hess and Boris
- Abstract summary: The Parallel Variable Density Approximate Message Passing (P-VDAMP) algorithm is proposed.
State evolution is leveraged to automatically tune sparse parameters on-the-fly with Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE)
The proposed method is found to have a similar reconstruction quality and time to convergence as FISTA with an optimally tuned sparse weighting.
- Score: 2.624902795082451
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Purpose: To develop a tuning-free method for multi-coil compressed sensing
MRI that performs competitively with algorithms with an optimally tuned sparse
Theory: The Parallel Variable Density Approximate Message Passing (P-VDAMP)
algorithm is proposed. For Bernoulli random variable density sampling, P-VDAMP
obeys a "state evolution", where the intermediate per-iteration image estimate
is distributed according to the ground truth corrupted by a Gaussian vector
with approximately known covariance. State evolution is leveraged to
automatically tune sparse parameters on-the-fly with Stein's Unbiased Risk
Estimate (SURE).
Methods: P-VDAMP is evaluated on brain, knee and angiogram datasets at
acceleration factors 5 and 10 and compared with four variants of the Fast
Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding algorithm (FISTA), including two tuning-free
variants from the literature.
Results: The proposed method is found to have a similar reconstruction
quality and time to convergence as FISTA with an optimally tuned sparse
Conclusions: P-VDAMP is an efficient, robust and principled method for
on-the-fly parameter tuning that is competitive with optimally tuned FISTA and
offers substantial robustness and reconstruction quality improvements over
competing tuning-free methods.
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