Regret Bounds for Expected Improvement Algorithms in Gaussian Process
Bandit Optimization
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- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 13:17:53 GMT
- Title: Regret Bounds for Expected Improvement Algorithms in Gaussian Process
Bandit Optimization
- Authors: Hung Tran-The and Sunil Gupta and Santu Rana and Svetha Venkatesh
- Abstract summary: The expected improvement (EI) algorithm is one of the most popular strategies for optimization under uncertainty.
We propose a variant of EI with a standard incumbent defined via the GP predictive mean.
We show that our algorithm converges, and achieves a cumulative regret bound of $mathcal O(gamma_TsqrtT)$.
- Score: 63.8557841188626
- License:
- Abstract: The expected improvement (EI) algorithm is one of the most popular strategies
for optimization under uncertainty due to its simplicity and efficiency.
Despite its popularity, the theoretical aspects of this algorithm have not been
properly analyzed. In particular, whether in the noisy setting, the EI strategy
with a standard incumbent converges is still an open question of the Gaussian
process bandit optimization problem. We aim to answer this question by
proposing a variant of EI with a standard incumbent defined via the GP
predictive mean. We prove that our algorithm converges, and achieves a
cumulative regret bound of $\mathcal O(\gamma_T\sqrt{T})$, where $\gamma_T$ is
the maximum information gain between $T$ observations and the Gaussian process
model. Based on this variant of EI, we further propose an algorithm called
Improved GP-EI that converges faster than previous counterparts. In particular,
our proposed variants of EI do not require the knowledge of the RKHS norm and
the noise's sub-Gaussianity parameter as in previous works. Empirical
validation in our paper demonstrates the effectiveness of our algorithms
compared to several baselines.
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