Deep learning for radar data exploitation of autonomous vehicle
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- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 16:19:51 GMT
- Title: Deep learning for radar data exploitation of autonomous vehicle
- Authors: Arthur Ouaknine
- Abstract summary: This thesis focuses on the on automotive RADAR, which is a low-cost active sensor measuring properties of surrounding objects.
The RADAR sensor is seldom used for scene understanding due to its poor angular resolution, the size, noise, and complexity of RADAR raw data.
This thesis proposes an extensive study of RADAR scene understanding, from the construction of an annotated dataset to the conception of adapted deep learning architectures.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Autonomous driving requires a detailed understanding of complex driving
scenes. The redundancy and complementarity of the vehicle's sensors provide an
accurate and robust comprehension of the environment, thereby increasing the
level of performance and safety. This thesis focuses the on automotive RADAR,
which is a low-cost active sensor measuring properties of surrounding objects,
including their relative speed, and has the key advantage of not being impacted
by adverse weather conditions. With the rapid progress of deep learning and the
availability of public driving datasets, the perception ability of vision-based
driving systems has considerably improved. The RADAR sensor is seldom used for
scene understanding due to its poor angular resolution, the size, noise, and
complexity of RADAR raw data as well as the lack of available datasets. This
thesis proposes an extensive study of RADAR scene understanding, from the
construction of an annotated dataset to the conception of adapted deep learning
architectures. First, this thesis details approaches to tackle the current lack
of data. A simple simulation as well as generative methods for creating
annotated data will be presented. It will also describe the CARRADA dataset,
composed of synchronised camera and RADAR data with a semi-automatic annotation
method. This thesis then present a proposed set of deep learning architectures
with their associated loss functions for RADAR semantic segmentation. It also
introduces a method to open up research into the fusion of LiDAR and RADAR
sensors for scene understanding. Finally, this thesis exposes a collaborative
contribution, the RADIal dataset with synchronised High-Definition (HD) RADAR,
LiDAR and camera. A deep learning architecture is also proposed to estimate the
RADAR signal processing pipeline while performing multitask learning for object
detection and free driving space segmentation.
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