Risk-Averse No-Regret Learning in Online Convex Games
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08957v1
- Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 21:36:47 GMT
- Title: Risk-Averse No-Regret Learning in Online Convex Games
- Authors: Zifan Wang, Yi Shen, Michael M. Zavlanos
- Abstract summary: We consider an online game with risk-averse agents whose goal is to learn optimal decisions that minimize the risk of incurring significantly high costs.
Since the distributions of the cost functions depend on the actions of all agents that are generally unobservable, the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) values of the costs are difficult to compute.
We propose a new online risk-averse learning algorithm that relies on one-point zeroth-order estimation of the CVaR gradients computed using CVaR values.
- Score: 19.4481913405231
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We consider an online stochastic game with risk-averse agents whose goal is
to learn optimal decisions that minimize the risk of incurring significantly
high costs. Specifically, we use the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) as a risk
measure that the agents can estimate using bandit feedback in the form of the
cost values of only their selected actions. Since the distributions of the cost
functions depend on the actions of all agents that are generally unobservable,
they are themselves unknown and, therefore, the CVaR values of the costs are
difficult to compute. To address this challenge, we propose a new online
risk-averse learning algorithm that relies on one-point zeroth-order estimation
of the CVaR gradients computed using CVaR values that are estimated by
appropriately sampling the cost functions. We show that this algorithm achieves
sub-linear regret with high probability. We also propose two variants of this
algorithm that improve performance. The first variant relies on a new sampling
strategy that uses samples from the previous iteration to improve the
estimation accuracy of the CVaR values. The second variant employs residual
feedback that uses CVaR values from the previous iteration to reduce the
variance of the CVaR gradient estimates. We theoretically analyze the
convergence properties of these variants and illustrate their performance on an
online market problem that we model as a Cournot game.
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