MolNet: A Chemically Intuitive Graph Neural Network for Prediction of
Molecular Properties
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2022 20:47:28 GMT
- Title: MolNet: A Chemically Intuitive Graph Neural Network for Prediction of
Molecular Properties
- Authors: Yeji Kim, Yoonho Jeong, Jihoo Kim, Eok Kyun Lee, Won June Kim, and
Insung S. Choi
- Abstract summary: graph neural network (GNN) has been a powerful deep-learning tool in chemistry domain.
MolNet model is chemically intuitive, accommodating the 3D non-bond information in a molecule.
MolNet gives a state-of-the-art performance in the classification task of BACE dataset and regression task of ESOL dataset.
- Score: 1.231476564107544
- License:
- Abstract: The graph neural network (GNN) has been a powerful deep-learning tool in
chemistry domain, due to its close connection with molecular graphs. Most GNN
models collect and update atom and molecule features from the fed atom (and, in
some cases, bond) features, which are basically based on the two-dimensional
(2D) graph representation of 3D molecules. Correspondingly, the adjacency
matrix, containing the information on covalent bonds, or equivalent data
structures (e.g., lists) have been the main core in the feature-updating
processes, such as graph convolution. However, the 2D-based models do not
faithfully represent 3D molecules and their physicochemical properties,
exemplified by the overlooked field effect that is a "through-space" effect,
not a "through-bond" effect. The GNN model proposed herein, denoted as MolNet,
is chemically intuitive, accommodating the 3D non-bond information in a
molecule, with a noncovalent adjacency matrix $\bf{\bar A}$, and also
bond-strength information from a weighted bond matrix $\bf{B}$. The noncovalent
atoms, not directly bonded to a given atom in a molecule, are identified within
5 $\unicode{x212B}$ of cut-off range for the construction of $\bf{\bar A}$, and
$\bf{B}$ has edge weights of 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 for single, aromatic, double, and
triple bonds, respectively. Comparative studies show that MolNet outperforms
various baseline GNN models and gives a state-of-the-art performance in the
classification task of BACE dataset and regression task of ESOL dataset. This
work suggests a future direction of deep-learning chemistry in the construction
of deep-learning models that are chemically intuitive and comparable with the
existing chemistry concepts and tools.
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