VQ-Flows: Vector Quantized Local Normalizing Flows
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11556v1
- Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 09:22:18 GMT
- Title: VQ-Flows: Vector Quantized Local Normalizing Flows
- Authors: Sahil Sidheekh, Chris B. Dock, Tushar Jain, Radu Balan, Maneesh K.
- Abstract summary: We introduce a novel statistical framework for learning a mixture of local normalizing flows as "chart maps" over a data manifold.
Our framework augments the expressivity of recent approaches while preserving the signature property of normalizing flows, that they admit exact density evaluation.
- Score: 2.7998963147546148
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Normalizing flows provide an elegant approach to generative modeling that
allows for efficient sampling and exact density evaluation of unknown data
distributions. However, current techniques have significant limitations in
their expressivity when the data distribution is supported on a low-dimensional
manifold or has a non-trivial topology. We introduce a novel statistical
framework for learning a mixture of local normalizing flows as "chart maps"
over the data manifold. Our framework augments the expressivity of recent
approaches while preserving the signature property of normalizing flows, that
they admit exact density evaluation. We learn a suitable atlas of charts for
the data manifold via a vector quantized auto-encoder (VQ-AE) and the
distributions over them using a conditional flow. We validate experimentally
that our probabilistic framework enables existing approaches to better model
data distributions over complex manifolds.
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