Multi-label Transformer for Action Unit Detection
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- Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:46:09 GMT
- Title: Multi-label Transformer for Action Unit Detection
- Authors: Gauthier Tallec, Edouard Yvinec, Arnaud Dapogny, Kevin Bailly
- Abstract summary: Action Unit (AU) Detection is the branch of affective computing that aims at recognizing unitary facial muscular movements.
We present our submission to the ABAW3 challenge.
In a nutshell, we applied a multi-label detection transformer that leverage multi-head attention to learn which part of the face image is the most relevant to predict each AU.
- Score: 7.09232719022402
- License:
- Abstract: Action Unit (AU) Detection is the branch of affective computing that aims at
recognizing unitary facial muscular movements. It is key to unlock unbiaised
computational face representations and has therefore aroused great interest in
the past few years. One of main obstacles toward building efficient deep
learning based AU detection system facial images database annotated by AU
experts. In that extent the ABAW challenge paves the way toward better AU
detection as it involves a ~2M frames AU annotated dataset. In this paper, we
present our submission to the ABAW3 challenge. In a nutshell, we applied a
multi-label detection transformer that leverage multi-head attention to learn
which part of the face image is the most relevant to predict each AU.
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