On the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fairness Evaluation Metrics for
Contextualized Language Representations
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13928v1
- Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 22:17:43 GMT
- Title: On the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fairness Evaluation Metrics for
Contextualized Language Representations
- Authors: Yang Trista Cao and Yada Pruksachatkun and Kai-Wei Chang and Rahul
Gupta and Varun Kumar and Jwala Dhamala and Aram Galstyan
- Abstract summary: Multiple metrics have been introduced to measure fairness in various natural language processing tasks.
These metrics can be roughly categorized into two categories: 1) emphextrinsic metrics for evaluating fairness in downstream applications and 2) emphintrinsic metrics for estimating fairness in upstream language representation models.
- Score: 74.70957445600936
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Multiple metrics have been introduced to measure fairness in various natural
language processing tasks. These metrics can be roughly categorized into two
categories: 1) \emph{extrinsic metrics} for evaluating fairness in downstream
applications and 2) \emph{intrinsic metrics} for estimating fairness in
upstream contextualized language representation models. In this paper, we
conduct an extensive correlation study between intrinsic and extrinsic metrics
across bias notions using 19 contextualized language models. We find that
intrinsic and extrinsic metrics do not necessarily correlate in their original
setting, even when correcting for metric misalignments, noise in evaluation
datasets, and confounding factors such as experiment configuration for
extrinsic metrics. %al
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