論文の概要: Using Machine Learning to generate an open-access cropland map from
satellite images time series in the Indian Himalayan Region
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14673v1
- Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 12:08:06 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-03-30 01:15:16.479303
- Title: Using Machine Learning to generate an open-access cropland map from
satellite images time series in the Indian Himalayan Region
- Title(参考訳): 機械学習を用いたインドヒマラヤ地域の衛星画像時系列からの開地作付け地図の作成
- Authors: Danya Li, Joaquin Gajardo, Michele Volpi and Thijs Defraeye
- Abstract要約: 我々は,Sentinel-2衛星画像時系列に依存するMLパイプラインを開発した。
ヒマハル・プラデーシュの3つの地区で14,600 km2の農地マップを作成し、既存の公共地図の解像度と品質を改善した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.28675177318965034
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Crop maps are crucial for agricultural monitoring and food management and can
additionally support domain-specific applications, such as setting cold supply
chain infrastructure in developing countries. Machine learning (ML) models,
combined with freely-available satellite imagery, can be used to produce
cost-effective and high spatial-resolution crop maps. However, accessing ground
truth data for supervised learning is especially challenging in developing
countries due to factors such as smallholding and fragmented geography, which
often results in a lack of crop type maps or even reliable cropland maps. Our
area of interest for this study lies in Himachal Pradesh, India, where we aim
at producing an open-access binary cropland map at 10-meter resolution for the
Kullu, Shimla, and Mandi districts. To this end, we developed an ML pipeline
that relies on Sentinel-2 satellite images time series. We investigated two
pixel-based supervised classifiers, support vector machines (SVM) and random
forest (RF), which are used to classify per-pixel time series for binary
cropland mapping. The ground truth data used for training, validation and
testing was manually annotated from a combination of field survey reference
points and visual interpretation of very high resolution (VHR) imagery. We
trained and validated the models via spatial cross-validation to account for
local spatial autocorrelation and selected the RF model due to overall
robustness and lower computational cost. We tested the generalization
capability of the chosen model at the pixel level by computing the accuracy,
recall, precision, and F1-score on hold-out test sets of each district,
achieving an average accuracy for the RF (our best model) of 87%. We used this
model to generate a cropland map for three districts of Himachal Pradesh,
spanning 14,600 km2, which improves the resolution and quality of existing
public maps.
- Abstract(参考訳): 作物地図は農業のモニタリングや食品管理に不可欠であり、開発途上国におけるコールドサプライチェーンインフラストラクチャの設定など、ドメイン固有のアプリケーションもサポートする。
本研究では,2つの画素ベース教師付き分類器,サポートベクターマシン (SVM) とランダムフォレスト (RF) について検討した。
フィールドサーベイ基準点と超高解像度(VHR)画像の視覚的解釈の組み合わせから, トレーニング, 検証, テストに使用する真実データを手動で注釈付けした。
このモデルを用いて、ヒマハル・プラデーシュの3つの地区で14,600 km2の農地マップを作成し、既存の公共地図の解像度と品質を改善した。
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We found that the existing WorldCover map are the best with a F1-score 0.825 and correct of 0.870 on the test set, then a single-headed LSTM model with our hand-labeled training。
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本手法は, Cerrado Biome のケーススタディにより, 土地利用と土地被覆マップの精度が高いことを示す。
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