NL-FCOS: Improving FCOS through Non-Local Modules for Object Detection
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- Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 15:00:14 GMT
- Title: NL-FCOS: Improving FCOS through Non-Local Modules for Object Detection
- Authors: Lukas Pavez, Jose M. Saavedra Rondo
- Abstract summary: We show that non-local modules combined with an FCOS head (NL-FCOS) are practical and efficient.
We establish state-of-the-art performance in clothing detection and handwritten amount recognition problems.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: During the last years, we have seen significant advances in the object
detection task, mainly due to the outperforming results of convolutional neural
networks. In this vein, anchor-based models have achieved the best results.
However, these models require prior information about the aspect and scales of
target objects, needing more hyperparameters to fit. In addition, using anchors
to fit bounding boxes seems far from how our visual system does the same visual
task. Instead, our visual system uses the interactions of different scene parts
to semantically identify objects, called perceptual grouping. An object
detection methodology closer to the natural model is anchor-free detection,
where models like FCOS or Centernet have shown competitive results, but these
have not yet exploited the concept of perceptual grouping. Therefore, to
increase the effectiveness of anchor-free models keeping the inference time
low, we propose to add non-local attention (NL modules) modules to boost the
feature map of the underlying backbone. NL modules implement the perceptual
grouping mechanism, allowing receptive fields to cooperate in visual
representation learning. We show that non-local modules combined with an FCOS
head (NL-FCOS) are practical and efficient. Thus, we establish state-of-the-art
performance in clothing detection and handwritten amount recognition problems.
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