Data-Driven Evaluation of Training Action Space for Reinforcement
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 04:53:43 GMT
- Title: Data-Driven Evaluation of Training Action Space for Reinforcement
- Authors: Rajat Ghosh, Debojyoti Dutta
- Abstract summary: This paper proposes a Shapley-inspired methodology for training action space categorization and ranking.
To reduce exponential-time shapley computations, the methodology includes a Monte Carlo simulation.
The proposed data-driven methodology is RL to different domains, use cases, and reinforcement learning algorithms.
- Score: 1.370633147306388
- License:
- Abstract: Training action space selection for reinforcement learning (RL) is
conflict-prone due to complex state-action relationships. To address this
challenge, this paper proposes a Shapley-inspired methodology for training
action space categorization and ranking. To reduce exponential-time shapley
computations, the methodology includes a Monte Carlo simulation to avoid
unnecessary explorations. The effectiveness of the methodology is illustrated
using a cloud infrastructure resource tuning case study. It reduces the search
space by 80\% and categorizes the training action sets into dispensable and
indispensable groups. Additionally, it ranks different training actions to
facilitate high-performance yet cost-efficient RL model design. The proposed
data-driven methodology is extensible to different domains, use cases, and
reinforcement learning algorithms.
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