Measurement-based Admission Control in Sliced Networks: A Best Arm
Identification Approach
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:12:34 GMT
- Title: Measurement-based Admission Control in Sliced Networks: A Best Arm
Identification Approach
- Authors: Simon Lindst{\aa}hl, Alexandre Proutiere, Andreas Jonsson
- Abstract summary: In sliced networks, the shared tenancy of slices requires adaptive admission control of data flows.
We devise a joint measurement and decision strategy that returns a correct decision with a certain level of confidence.
- Score: 68.8204255655161
- License:
- Abstract: In sliced networks, the shared tenancy of slices requires adaptive admission
control of data flows, based on measurements of network resources. In this
paper, we investigate the design of measurement-based admission control
schemes, deciding whether a new data flow can be admitted and in this case, on
which slice. The objective is to devise a joint measurement and decision
strategy that returns a correct decision (e.g., the least loaded slice) with a
certain level of confidence while minimizing the measurement cost (the number
of measurements made before committing to the decision). We study the design of
such strategies for several natural admission criteria specifying what a
correct decision is. For each of these criteria, using tools from best arm
identification in bandits, we first derive an explicit information-theoretical
lower bound on the cost of any algorithm returning the correct decision with
fixed confidence. We then devise a joint measurement and decision strategy
achieving this theoretical limit. We compare empirically the measurement costs
of these strategies, and compare them both to the lower bounds as well as a
naive measurement scheme. We find that our algorithm significantly outperforms
the naive scheme (by a factor $2-8$).
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