Sensitivity of sparse codes to image distortions
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 13:58:00 GMT
- Title: Sensitivity of sparse codes to image distortions
- Authors: Kyle Luther, H. Sebastian Seung
- Abstract summary: We show that sparse codes can be very sensitive to image distortions.
The sensitivity is due to the existence of linear combinations of active dictionary elements with high cancellation.
- Score: 4.209801809583906
- License:
- Abstract: Sparse coding has been proposed as a theory of visual cortex and as an
unsupervised algorithm for learning representations. We show empirically with
the MNIST dataset that sparse codes can be very sensitive to image distortions,
a behavior that may hinder invariant object recognition. A locally linear
analysis suggests that the sensitivity is due to the existence of linear
combinations of active dictionary elements with high cancellation. A nearest
neighbor classifier is shown to perform worse on sparse codes than original
images. For a linear classifier with a sufficiently large number of labeled
examples, sparse codes are shown to yield higher accuracy than original images,
but no higher than a representation computed by a random feedforward net.
Sensitivity to distortions seems to be a basic property of sparse codes, and
one should be aware of this property when applying sparse codes to invariant
object recognition.
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