Ultraviolet Finiteness or Asymptotic Safety in Higher Derivative
Gravitational Theories
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09858v1
- Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 03:10:07 GMT
- Title: Ultraviolet Finiteness or Asymptotic Safety in Higher Derivative
Gravitational Theories
- Authors: Leslaw Rachwal
- Abstract summary: We present and discuss well known conditions for ultraviolet finiteness and safety.
The requirements for complete absence of ultraviolet divergences in quantum field theories and existence of a non-trivial fixed point for renormalization group flow in the ultraviolet regime are compared.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We present and discuss well known conditions for ultraviolet finiteness and
asymptotic safety. The requirements for complete absence of ultraviolet
divergences in quantum field theories and existence of a non-trivial fixed
point for renormalization group flow in the ultraviolet regime are compared
based on the example of a six-derivative quantum gravitational theory in $d=4$
spacetime dimensions. In this model, it is possible for the first time to have
fully UV-finite quantum theory without adding matter or special symmetry, but
by inclusion of additional terms cubic in curvatures. We comment on
similarities and some apparent differences between the two approaches, but we
show that they are both compatible to each other. Finally, we motivate the
claim that actually asymptotic safety needs UV-finite models for providing
explicit form of the ultraviolet limit of Wilsonian effective actions
describing special situations at fixed points.
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