Sparse and Dense Approaches for the Full-rank Retrieval of Responses for
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- Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 08:15:15 GMT
- Title: Sparse and Dense Approaches for the Full-rank Retrieval of Responses for
- Authors: Gustavo Penha and Claudia Hauff
- Abstract summary: We focus on the more realistic task of full-rank retrieval of responses, where $n$ can be up to millions of responses.
Our findings based on three different information-seeking dialogue datasets reveal that a learned response expansion technique is a solid baseline for sparse retrieval.
We find the best performing method overall to be dense retrieval with intermediate training, followed by fine-tuning on the target conversational data.
- Score: 11.726528038065764
- License:
- Abstract: Ranking responses for a given dialogue context is a popular benchmark in
which the setup is to re-rank the ground-truth response over a limited set of
$n$ responses, where $n$ is typically 10. The predominance of this setup in
conversation response ranking has lead to a great deal of attention to building
neural re-rankers, while the first-stage retrieval step has been overlooked.
Since the correct answer is always available in the candidate list of $n$
responses, this artificial evaluation setup assumes that there is a first-stage
retrieval step which is always able to rank the correct response in its top-$n$
list. In this paper we focus on the more realistic task of full-rank retrieval
of responses, where $n$ can be up to millions of responses. We investigate both
dialogue context and response expansion techniques for sparse retrieval, as
well as zero-shot and fine-tuned dense retrieval approaches. Our findings based
on three different information-seeking dialogue datasets reveal that a learned
response expansion technique is a solid baseline for sparse retrieval. We find
the best performing method overall to be dense retrieval with intermediate
training, i.e. a step after the language model pre-training where sentence
representations are learned, followed by fine-tuning on the target
conversational data. We also investigate the intriguing phenomena that harder
negatives sampling techniques lead to worse results for the fine-tuned dense
retrieval models. The code and datasets are available at
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