A Vocabulary-Free Multilingual Neural Tokenizer for End-to-End Task
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10815v1
- Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 16:50:49 GMT
- Title: A Vocabulary-Free Multilingual Neural Tokenizer for End-to-End Task
- Authors: Md Mofijul Islam, Gustavo Aguilar, Pragaash Ponnusamy, Clint Solomon
Mathialagan, Chengyuan Ma, Chenlei Guo
- Abstract summary: Subword tokenization is a commonly used input pre-processing step in most recent NLP models.
We propose a vocabulary-free neural tokenizer by distilling segmentation information from subword tokenization.
Our tokenizer consistently improves performance on multilingual (NLI) and code-switching (sentiment analysis) tasks.
- Score: 8.052271364177988
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Subword tokenization is a commonly used input pre-processing step in most
recent NLP models. However, it limits the models' ability to leverage
end-to-end task learning. Its frequency-based vocabulary creation compromises
tokenization in low-resource languages, leading models to produce suboptimal
representations. Additionally, the dependency on a fixed vocabulary limits the
subword models' adaptability across languages and domains. In this work, we
propose a vocabulary-free neural tokenizer by distilling segmentation
information from heuristic-based subword tokenization. We pre-train our
character-based tokenizer by processing unique words from multilingual corpus,
thereby extensively increasing word diversity across languages. Unlike the
predefined and fixed vocabularies in subword methods, our tokenizer allows
end-to-end task learning, resulting in optimal task-specific tokenization. The
experimental results show that replacing the subword tokenizer with our neural
tokenizer consistently improves performance on multilingual (NLI) and
code-switching (sentiment analysis) tasks, with larger gains in low-resource
languages. Additionally, our neural tokenizer exhibits a robust performance on
downstream tasks when adversarial noise is present (typos and misspelling),
further increasing the initial improvements over statistical subword
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