Spherical Rotation Dimension Reduction with Geometric Loss Functions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10975v2
- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 15:47:22 GMT
- Title: Spherical Rotation Dimension Reduction with Geometric Loss Functions
- Authors: Hengrui Luo, Jeremy E. Purvis, Didong Li
- Abstract summary: A prime example of such a dataset is a collection of cell cycle measurements, where the inherently cyclical nature of the process can be represented as a circle or sphere.
We propose a nonlinear dimension reduction method, Spherical Rotation Component Analysis (SRCA), that incorporates geometric information to better approximate low-dimensional manifold.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Modern datasets often exhibit high dimensionality, yet the data reside in
low-dimensional manifolds that can reveal underlying geometric structures
critical for data analysis. A prime example of such a dataset is a collection
of cell cycle measurements, where the inherently cyclical nature of the process
can be represented as a circle or sphere. Motivated by the need to analyze
these types of datasets, we propose a nonlinear dimension reduction method,
Spherical Rotation Component Analysis (SRCA), that incorporates geometric
information to better approximate low-dimensional manifolds. SRCA is a
versatile method designed to work in both high-dimensional and small sample
size settings. By employing spheres or ellipsoids, SRCA provides a low-rank
spherical representation of the data with general theoretic guarantees,
effectively retaining the geometric structure of the dataset during
dimensionality reduction. A comprehensive simulation study, along with a
successful application to human cell cycle data, further highlights the
advantages of SRCA compared to state-of-the-art alternatives, demonstrating its
superior performance in approximating the manifold while preserving inherent
geometric structures.
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