Complete Policy Regret Bounds for Tallying Bandits
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- Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2022 03:10:27 GMT
- Title: Complete Policy Regret Bounds for Tallying Bandits
- Authors: Dhruv Malik, Yuanzhi Li, Aarti Singh
- Abstract summary: Policy regret is a well established notion of measuring the performance of an online learning algorithm against an adaptive adversary.
We study restrictions on the adversary that enable efficient minimization of the emphcomplete policy regret
We provide an algorithm that w.h.p a complete policy regret guarantee of $tildemathcalO(mKsqrtT)$, where the $tildemathcalO$ notation hides only logarithmic factors.
- Score: 51.039677652803675
- License:
- Abstract: Policy regret is a well established notion of measuring the performance of an
online learning algorithm against an adaptive adversary. We study restrictions
on the adversary that enable efficient minimization of the \emph{complete
policy regret}, which is the strongest possible version of policy regret. We
identify a gap in the current theoretical understanding of what sorts of
restrictions permit tractability in this challenging setting. To resolve this
gap, we consider a generalization of the stochastic multi armed bandit, which
we call the \emph{tallying bandit}. This is an online learning setting with an
$m$-memory bounded adversary, where the average loss for playing an action is
an unknown function of the number (or tally) of times that the action was
played in the last $m$ timesteps. For tallying bandit problems with $K$ actions
and time horizon $T$, we provide an algorithm that w.h.p achieves a complete
policy regret guarantee of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(mK\sqrt{T})$, where the
$\tilde{\mathcal{O}}$ notation hides only logarithmic factors. We additionally
prove an $\tilde\Omega(\sqrt{m K T})$ lower bound on the expected complete
policy regret of any tallying bandit algorithm, demonstrating the near
optimality of our method.
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