Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandits with Finite Shareable Resources Arms:
Learning Algorithms & Applications
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- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:46:59 GMT
- Title: Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandits with Finite Shareable Resources Arms:
Learning Algorithms & Applications
- Authors: Xuchuang Wang, Hong Xie, John C.S. Lui
- Abstract summary: We study how decentralized players cooperatively play the same multi-armed bandit so as to maximize their total cumulative rewards.
Existing MMAB models mostly assume when more than one player pulls the same arm, they either have a collision and obtain zero rewards, or have no collision and gain independent rewards.
We propose an MMAB with shareable resources as an extension to the collision and non-collision settings.
- Score: 32.313813562222066
- License:
- Abstract: Multi-player multi-armed bandits (MMAB) study how decentralized players
cooperatively play the same multi-armed bandit so as to maximize their total
cumulative rewards. Existing MMAB models mostly assume when more than one
player pulls the same arm, they either have a collision and obtain zero
rewards, or have no collision and gain independent rewards, both of which are
usually too restrictive in practical scenarios. In this paper, we propose an
MMAB with shareable resources as an extension to the collision and
non-collision settings. Each shareable arm has finite shareable resources and a
"per-load" reward random variable, both of which are unknown to players. The
reward from a shareable arm is equal to the "per-load" reward multiplied by the
minimum between the number of players pulling the arm and the arm's maximal
shareable resources. We consider two types of feedback: sharing demand
information (SDI) and sharing demand awareness (SDA), each of which provides
different signals of resource sharing. We design the DPE-SDI and SIC-SDA
algorithms to address the shareable arm problem under these two cases of
feedback respectively and prove that both algorithms have logarithmic regrets
that are tight in the number of rounds. We conduct simulations to validate both
algorithms' performance and show their utilities in wireless networking and
edge computing.
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