Optimally tackling covariate shift in RKHS-based nonparametric
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02986v2
- Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 16:20:30 GMT
- Title: Optimally tackling covariate shift in RKHS-based nonparametric
- Authors: Cong Ma, Reese Pathak, Martin J. Wainwright
- Abstract summary: We show that a kernel ridge regression estimator with a carefully chosen regularization parameter is minimax rate-optimal.
We also show that a naive estimator, which minimizes the empirical risk over the function class, is strictly sub-optimal.
We propose a reweighted KRR estimator that weights samples based on a careful truncation of the likelihood ratios.
- Score: 43.457497490211985
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study the covariate shift problem in the context of nonparametric
regression over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We focus on two
natural families of covariate shift problems defined using the likelihood
ratios between the source and target distributions. When the likelihood ratios
are uniformly bounded, we prove that the kernel ridge regression (KRR)
estimator with a carefully chosen regularization parameter is minimax
rate-optimal (up to a log factor) for a large family of RKHSs with regular
kernel eigenvalues. Interestingly, KRR does not require full knowledge of
likelihood ratios apart from an upper bound on them. In striking contrast to
the standard statistical setting without covariate shift, we also demonstrate
that a naive estimator, which minimizes the empirical risk over the function
class, is strictly sub-optimal under covariate shift as compared to KRR. We
then address the larger class of covariate shift problems where the likelihood
ratio is possibly unbounded yet has a finite second moment. Here, we propose a
reweighted KRR estimator that weights samples based on a careful truncation of
the likelihood ratios. Again, we are able to show that this estimator is
minimax rate-optimal, up to logarithmic factors.
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