Automated Scoring for Reading Comprehension via In-context BERT Tuning
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- Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:37:17 GMT
- Title: Automated Scoring for Reading Comprehension via In-context BERT Tuning
- Authors: Nigel Fernandez, Aritra Ghosh, Naiming Liu, Zichao Wang, Beno\^it
Choffin, Richard Baraniuk, Andrew Lan
- Abstract summary: In this paper, we report our (grand prize-winning) solution to the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) automated scoring challenge for reading comprehension.
Our approach, in-context BERT fine-tuning, produces a single shared scoring model for all items with a carefully-designed input structure.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach via local evaluations using the training dataset provided by the challenge.
- Score: 9.135673900486827
- License:
- Abstract: Automated scoring of open-ended student responses has the potential to
significantly reduce human grader effort. Recent advances in automated scoring
often leverage textual representations based on pre-trained language models
such as BERT and GPT as input to scoring models. Most existing approaches train
a separate model for each item/question, which is suitable for scenarios such
as essay scoring where items can be quite different from one another. However,
these approaches have two limitations: 1) they fail to leverage item linkage
for scenarios such as reading comprehension where multiple items may share a
reading passage; 2) they are not scalable since storing one model per item
becomes difficult when models have a large number of parameters. In this paper,
we report our (grand prize-winning) solution to the National Assessment of
Education Progress (NAEP) automated scoring challenge for reading
comprehension. Our approach, in-context BERT fine-tuning, produces a single
shared scoring model for all items with a carefully-designed input structure to
provide contextual information on each item. We demonstrate the effectiveness
of our approach via local evaluations using the training dataset provided by
the challenge. We also discuss the biases, common error types, and limitations
of our approach.
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