Alleviating Robust Overfitting of Adversarial Training With Consistency
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- Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 03:18:43 GMT
- Title: Alleviating Robust Overfitting of Adversarial Training With Consistency
- Authors: Shudong Zhang, Haichang Gao, Tianwei Zhang, Yunyi Zhou and Zihui Wu
- Abstract summary: Adversarial training (AT) has proven to be one of the most effective ways to defend Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) against adversarial attacks.
robustness will drop sharply at a certain stage, always exists during AT.
consistency regularization, a popular technique in semi-supervised learning, has a similar goal as AT and can be used to alleviate robust overfitting.
- Score: 9.686724616328874
- License:
- Abstract: Adversarial training (AT) has proven to be one of the most effective ways to
defend Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) against adversarial attacks. However, the
phenomenon of robust overfitting, i.e., the robustness will drop sharply at a
certain stage, always exists during AT. It is of great importance to decrease
this robust generalization gap in order to obtain a robust model. In this
paper, we present an in-depth study towards the robust overfitting from a new
angle. We observe that consistency regularization, a popular technique in
semi-supervised learning, has a similar goal as AT and can be used to alleviate
robust overfitting. We empirically validate this observation, and find a
majority of prior solutions have implicit connections to consistency
regularization. Motivated by this, we introduce a new AT solution, which
integrates the consistency regularization and Mean Teacher (MT) strategy into
AT. Specifically, we introduce a teacher model, coming from the average weights
of the student models over the training steps. Then we design a consistency
loss function to make the prediction distribution of the student models over
adversarial examples consistent with that of the teacher model over clean
samples. Experiments show that our proposed method can effectively alleviate
robust overfitting and improve the robustness of DNN models against common
adversarial attacks.
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