Active Labeling: Streaming Stochastic Gradients
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- Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 09:49:16 GMT
- Title: Active Labeling: Streaming Stochastic Gradients
- Authors: Vivien Cabannes, Francis Bach, Vianney Perchet, Alessandro Rudi
- Abstract summary: We formalize the "active labeling" problem, which generalizes active learning based on partial supervision.
We provide a streaming technique that minimizes the ratio of generalization error over number of samples.
- Score: 91.76135191049232
- License:
- Abstract: The workhorse of machine learning is stochastic gradient descent. To access
stochastic gradients, it is common to consider iteratively input/output pairs
of a training dataset. Interestingly, it appears that one does not need full
supervision to access stochastic gradients, which is the main motivation of
this paper. After formalizing the "active labeling" problem, which generalizes
active learning based on partial supervision, we provide a streaming technique
that provably minimizes the ratio of generalization error over number of
samples. We illustrate our technique in depth for robust regression.
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