Patcher: Patch Transformers with Mixture of Experts for Precise Medical
Image Segmentation
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 23:52:49 GMT
- Title: Patcher: Patch Transformers with Mixture of Experts for Precise Medical
Image Segmentation
- Authors: Yanglan Ou, Ye Yuan, Xiaolei Huang, Stephen T.C. Wong, John Volpi,
James Z. Wang, Kelvin Wong
- Abstract summary: We present a new encoder-decoder Vision Transformer architecture, Patcher, for medical image segmentation.
Unlike standard Vision Transformers, it employs Patcher blocks that segment an image into large patches.
Transformers are applied to the small patches within a large patch, which constrains the receptive field of each pixel.
- Score: 17.51577168487812
- License:
- Abstract: We present a new encoder-decoder Vision Transformer architecture, Patcher,
for medical image segmentation. Unlike standard Vision Transformers, it employs
Patcher blocks that segment an image into large patches, each of which is
further divided into small patches. Transformers are applied to the small
patches within a large patch, which constrains the receptive field of each
pixel. We intentionally make the large patches overlap to enhance intra-patch
communication. The encoder employs a cascade of Patcher blocks with increasing
receptive fields to extract features from local to global levels. This design
allows Patcher to benefit from both the coarse-to-fine feature extraction
common in CNNs and the superior spatial relationship modeling of Transformers.
We also propose a new mixture-of-experts (MoE) based decoder, which treats the
feature maps from the encoder as experts and selects a suitable set of expert
features to predict the label for each pixel. The use of MoE enables better
specializations of the expert features and reduces interference between them
during inference. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Patcher outperforms
state-of-the-art Transformer- and CNN-based approaches significantly on stroke
lesion segmentation and polyp segmentation. Code for Patcher is released with
publication to facilitate future research.
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