ARC -- Actor Residual Critic for Adversarial Imitation Learning
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2022 04:49:58 GMT
- Title: ARC -- Actor Residual Critic for Adversarial Imitation Learning
- Authors: Ankur Deka, Changliu Liu, Katia Sycara
- Abstract summary: We show that ARC aided AIL outperforms standard AIL in simulated continuous-control and real robotic manipulation tasks.
ARC algorithms are simple to implement and can be incorporated into any existing AIL implementation with an AC algorithm.
- Score: 3.4806267677524896
- License:
- Abstract: Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL) is a class of popular state-of-the-art
Imitation Learning algorithms where an artificial adversary's misclassification
is used as a reward signal and is optimized by any standard Reinforcement
Learning (RL) algorithm. Unlike most RL settings, the reward in AIL is
differentiable but model-free RL algorithms do not make use of this property to
train a policy. In contrast, we leverage the differentiability property of the
AIL reward function and formulate a class of Actor Residual Critic (ARC) RL
algorithms that draw a parallel to the standard Actor-Critic (AC) algorithms in
RL literature and uses a residual critic, C function (instead of the standard Q
function) to approximate only the discounted future return (excluding the
immediate reward). ARC algorithms have similar convergence properties as the
standard AC algorithms with the additional advantage that the gradient through
the immediate reward is exact. For the discrete (tabular) case with finite
states, actions, and known dynamics, we prove that policy iteration with $C$
function converges to an optimal policy. In the continuous case with function
approximation and unknown dynamics, we experimentally show that ARC aided AIL
outperforms standard AIL in simulated continuous-control and real robotic
manipulation tasks. ARC algorithms are simple to implement and can be
incorporated into any existing AIL implementation with an AC algorithm.
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