Convergence and sample complexity of natural policy gradient primal-dual methods for constrained MDPs
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- Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 21:17:28 GMT
- Title: Convergence and sample complexity of natural policy gradient primal-dual methods for constrained MDPs
- Authors: Dongsheng Ding, Kaiqing Zhang, Jiali Duan, Tamer Başar, Mihailo R. Jovanović,
- Abstract summary: We employ the natural policy gradient method to solve the discounted optimal optimal rate problem.
We also provide convergence and finite-sample guarantees for two sample-based NPG-PD algorithms.
- Score: 21.347689976296834
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- Abstract: We study sequential decision making problems aimed at maximizing the expected total reward while satisfying a constraint on the expected total utility. We employ the natural policy gradient method to solve the discounted infinite-horizon optimal control problem for Constrained Markov Decision Processes (constrained MDPs). Specifically, we propose a new Natural Policy Gradient Primal-Dual (NPG-PD) method that updates the primal variable via natural policy gradient ascent and the dual variable via projected sub-gradient descent. Although the underlying maximization involves a nonconcave objective function and a nonconvex constraint set, under the softmax policy parametrization we prove that our method achieves global convergence with sublinear rates regarding both the optimality gap and the constraint violation. Such convergence is independent of the size of the state-action space, i.e., it is~dimension-free. Furthermore, for log-linear and general smooth policy parametrizations, we establish sublinear convergence rates up to a function approximation error caused by restricted policy parametrization. We also provide convergence and finite-sample complexity guarantees for two sample-based NPG-PD algorithms. Finally, we use computational experiments to showcase the merits and the effectiveness of our approach.
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